About Peter Mahon

Sleepy cat in Provence

Brief Bio:

I am an author, a teacher and a researcher.

I am a firm believer in academic and personal freedom and freedom of speech.

I am also a firm believer in maintaining a strong interrelationship between teaching, writing and research.

I was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland. Currently, I teach in the Department of English at the University of British Columbia, located in Vancouver, Canada. For a list of some of my recent and upcoming courses, click here.

I am the author of four academic and trade-academic books: Imagining Joyce and Derrida: Between Finnegans Wake and Glas (U of Toronto P, 2007); Joyce: A Guide for the Perplexed (Continuum, 2009); Violence, Politics and Textual Interventions in Northern Ireland (Palgrave, 2010); Posthumanism: A Guide for the Perplexed (Bloomsbury, 2017). My essays have appeared in such prestigious academic journals as ELHJames Joyce QuarterlyIrish University ReviewPartial Answers, as well as in several edited academic collections.

I am a peer-reviewer for SSHRC and many academic journals and university presses.

My current research interests are: science, medicine and technology and posthumanism; reason and unreason and the destruction of the humanities; digital humanities and informatics; the crossovers of the humanities and the sciences.

I have a number of exciting writing and research projects currently on the go: I am writing on a book on reason, unreason and the degradation of critical thinking in the humanities; I am working on a project on posthumanism in James Joyce and Jacques Derrida; and lastly, I am in the early stages of a digital humanities research project on digital reading, which is part of a larger project funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.


I do not use Twitter or Facebook, so students wishing to contact me should do so at: pmahon[at]mail.ubc.ca

Anyone else wishing to contact me can do so at: petermahon[at]protonmail.com